How to make a cat happy

How to make a cat happy

What does a cat need for a happy life?

 How can you please your cat? What do cats really enjoy? How can you tell if your cat loves you?

How to make a cat happy. There is a common belief that cats should live outside, but I think most domestic cats would disagree. Modern cats can live comfortably indoors.

For them, there are houses with various ladders for walks and climbing, mechanical toys that allow them to hunt. Among domestic cats, there are advanced users of various game consoles and tablets with cat games.

As an additional bonus, domestic cats have a longer lifespan than their stray counterparts. They are protected from diseases by vaccinations, from cars by home walls. They are well-fed and loved, what else is needed for happiness.

How to make a cat happy.

Personal Space

Everyone needs a secluded and cozy corner where they can relax and unwind. Cats also need a secluded spot where they can feel safe and secure.

If you don’t have the opportunity to purchase a cat house, a regular cardboard box will do. Lay down some bedding, place some toys, and your cat will be grateful for your care.


Cats love to play at any age. Every domestic cat should have a variety of toys. It doesn’t matter whether they are bought at a pet store or made by your own hands, the main thing is that they appeal to your pet and bring them pleasure.

Toys for cats


Why are cats fond of this plant? See Catnip for Cats: Harmful or Beneficial.


Scratching post

Cats love to scratch furniture, which is why they scratch furniture. You can protect your soft furniture from your cat’s claws by providing a scratching post. You can make one yourself by taking a wooden block (the height of the block should be equal to two lengths of the cat without the tail).

Wrap it with jute or sisal rope or a piece of carpet. Attach the block to the wall and invite your cat to try out your invention. And to make the cat interested in the new object, rub the scratching post with a catnip leaf.

Climbing wall

Cats love to climb trees, run on fences, and sit on the top of the tower. Create similar conditions for your cat for climbing. Rearrange furniture, move shelves, hide breakable objects. And let you slightly violate the integrity of your home, but you can be sure that in your absence, the cat will not knock off a favorite vase from the shelf to climb on the cabinet.

Room with a street view.

Cats love to watch out the window, so don’t close the curtains and free up the windowsill. If possible, install a bird feeder outside the window. If you don’t have windows or it’s difficult to reach them, offer your cat to watch TV programs. There are several companies that offer DVDs especially for cats.

Outdoor walks.

If you have the opportunity, take your cat for a walk. Try to train her to walk on a leash (start training indoors). If you are afraid to walk your cat on a leash, carry her in a closed basket or cat carrier.

But before you go for a walk with your cat, consult your veterinarian to find out if your cat needs additional vaccinations or parasite control.

Close communication

The most important thing to remember is that no toys or gadgets can replace your cat’s need for your attention and affection. Whether it’s cuddling on the couch with your cat, brushing its fur, or just your presence, these things will make your cat happy.

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