How a Shepherd protected a kitten

How a Shepherd protected a kitten

How the German Shepherd named Osman protected and obeyed his owner

How a Shepherd protected a kitten During a military operation in Afghanistan, my acquaintance Alexei rescued a little girl from a burning house. As he received the granddaughter from the hands of a Soviet officer, a bearded old man warmly thanked him and gave him a puppy.

The gift was accompanied by a parting message: she will be your friend, she will never betray you or disobey you. She will quickly learn to understand commands in Russian.

The puppy cowered at the feet of her new owner and looked at Alexei with apprehension. Clearly, she did not want to go to her new owner. But the old man said something to her in Afghan and the dog obediently followed the unfamiliar man in military uniform.

Alexei got leave and left with his new friend to his village. The dog quickly learned commands in Russian and attached herself to her new owner. Upon Alexei’s orders, Osman (the name given to the dog) brought shoes, performed various tricks, and even collected fallen apples.

Soon, a snow-white kitten showed up near the house and was named Marquis. At first, Osman was skeptical of the new resident, but soon grew to love him and took charge of him.

Osman not only never touched the milk in the kitten’s bowl, but also gave him the best pieces of his food.

One day, the kitten climbed up a tall birch tree and couldn’t get down, meowing pitifully. Osman desperately ran to the tree, barking loudly, trying to save the kitten. Alexei asked a neighbor boy to climb the tree and save the kitten.

And then Alexei suddenly wanted to test how obedient Osman was to him.

«Dig a hole,» he commanded the shepherd. Osman, unsuspecting, quickly dug a hole with his strong paws. Alexei threw the kitten into the hole.

«Bury it,» he ordered the dog, showing him what to do. Osman turned to his owner and in his eyes saw so much anger that he became uneasy.

The dog rushed into the hole, took the kitten by the scruff of the neck, and walked away with it.

«Osman, come back, I was joking,» Alexei said.

But the dog moved away without looking back.

«Forgive me, I acted foolishly. You don’t joke like that,» Alexei embraced the dog, continuing to ask for forgiveness. Osman stood in thought for a while and returned to the house with the kitten in his teeth. Since then, Marquis slept with the Shepherd.

Alexei made a lot of effort to regain the trust of his four-legged friend. It seems that even dogs do not carry out inhumane and cruel commands.