Gavrosh the cat is a fisherman

Gavrosh the cat is a fisherman. Amazing cats

Gavrosh the cat is a fisherman. Amazing catsI have a cat named Gavrosh who lives with me at my dacha. He loves to indulge in fish, but only if it’s fresh. He sits and watches as I clean it and then gives it to him. (Why you shouldn’t feed cats fish).

One day, while I was away from the bowl with the catch, Gavrosh decided to take matters into his own paws and stole the biggest fish, hiding it in the shed. The little thief sat there with his catch for three days without making a sound. On the fourth day, he emerged from his hiding spot, thirsty for water. When he saw me, he immediately turned over onto his back, raising his paws in surrender. «I give up. Don’t beat me.»

I didn’t punish him, but simply told him that he would come with me to the lake the next day and catch his own fish. He shouldn’t just lie around like a bump on a log. The lake wasn’t far from our house.

The next morning, I gathered my fishing rods and went out onto the porch. I completely forgot about my promise to take the cat fishing. However, Gavrosh didn’t forget and was waiting for me at the gate. It was a lovely spring day. Small roach were splashing around by the shore.

I went off in search of larger fish, while Gavrosh used his paws to pull out small roach after roach. By lunchtime, I had caught several perch. And my «fishing partner» had brought a pile of small roach onto the shore. I collected his catch in a bucket and the contented cat and I headed back home.

Later on, he began coming to the lake on his own and disappearing for days on end while fishing. That’s the kind of cat-fisherman I have living with me.