Cat Pushok the defender

Cat Pushok the defender

How a cat protected me from dogs

Cat Pushok the defenderWe had a white-pawed and white-chested cat named Pushok. He spent the summer with us at the dacha, and in winter he returned to the city apartment. Early in the spring, sensing the call of the wild, the cat asked to be let out at night to roam. He would return in the morning to eat and sleep.

One day, three days passed and Pushok had not returned. We thought maybe he was already at the dacha — opening the summer season. I rode my bike there and found Pushok peacefully sleeping in his kennel, next to which lay a mouse carcass. Clearly, he was feeding himself and not hungry.

While I was busy in the house, the cat disappeared somewhere. Suddenly, I heard the barking of dogs. I looked out the window and saw the following: our Pushok was ahead, and a pack of dogs was chasing him with a cacophony of barks. The cat slipped through a gap in the fence and ran towards me.

Next, through the same hole in the fence, the dogs appeared on the dacha plot. And now the whole pack, led by a large red dog, was charging straight at me. I looked around in confusion — what could I use to scare the dogs away? And then Pushok, with a furious «Meowwww,» jumped up and hung from the dog’s neck, digging his claws into its muzzle.

The red dog, surprised and in pain, let out a wild scream and, shaking its head, ran away. The rest of the pack, with tails between their legs, scattered in different directions. Pushok jumped off the dog’s face like a trampoline and ran back to the fence.

That’s how the cat protected me. And the dogs have avoided our plot ever since.