Cat Marsik and the Fox

Cat Marsik and the Fox. Stories from the life of cats       

Cat Marsik and the Fox. Stories from the life of cats       There was a cat named Marsik in our village.

At night, he guarded the vegetable garden, catching moles and bringing them to the porch to show that we didn’t scold him in vain. (Why do cats bring their catch to their owners?)

The cat usually rested in the chicken coop. The chickens got used to him and didn’t bother him. One day, when he lay down to sleep next to the nests as usual, a fox came into the chicken coop to feast on chicken eggs.

Without hesitation, Marsik jumped on the uninvited guest, clawed her back, and rode the fox like a jockey for about five hundred meters, screaming at the top of his lungs, as if ordering the fox to run faster.

Then he jumped off and went home importantly. The fox, however, was very curious and came back to see who had dared to attack her. Marsik again pounced on the uninvited guest. And this time, he chased the red beast all the way to the forest.

Since then, she forgot the way to our yard. That’s how the cat protected the chickens from the thieving fox.