Dan’ka the Cat

Dan’ka the Cat. Clever cat mom

Dan'ka the Cat. Clever cat momWe have a charming and clever little cat named Dan’ka who lives with us. We also have a beautiful cow named Monya, who is black with white spots. Her milk is rich and delicious.

Early in the morning, I take her out to graze. And in the evening, we hurry home together, where Dan’ka is waiting for us.

When the cat had kittens, we had to expand the cat’s dining area. All the milk bowls were lined up near the manger. I milk the cow while the cat and her kittens sit nearby, waiting for fresh milk.

However, an unpleasant incident occurred one day that forced me to lock up the furry creatures in the barn so that they wouldn’t interfere with milking. Here’s what happened:

When I had filled the bucket with milk and was about to get up from the bench, a kitten rushed under my feet. (How to tame a wild kitten). Dan’ka didn’t have time to stop it.

I stumbled and fell onto the cow with all my weight. Frightened, she kicked her hind legs, tipping over the bucket of milk that spilled all over me.

I also ended up on the floor and couldn’t get up by myself. I screamed for my husband’s help. But Dan’ka and her kittens weren’t perturbed and drank their fill.

I scolded the cat for not keeping an eye on her kittens. Dan’ka sat there, head hung low. And the next day, before milking, when I pointed to the barn for everyone in the neighborhood, she silently took her kittens and left.

That’s the clever little cat we have living with us.