Cat driver

Cat driver. How Kuzma the cat became a driver. Amazing cats

Cat driver. How Kuzma the cat became a driver.When I was little, I often spent the summer with my grandmother in the village. At that time, we had a handsome cat named Kuzma of the Maine Coon breed. He was a charming, plump beauty with green eyes.

We loved and spoiled him very much. Kuzma always walked around the house, but one day we noticed he was missing. We searched everywhere but couldn’t find him. As evening approached, my grandmother sat on the porch, upset and it was already dark. And suddenly we heard a mournful meowing sound. We searched and circled around — no cat. We called out «Kuzma, Kuzka» and he responded, but we couldn’t locate him.

And then I suddenly realized that the meowing was coming from the garage. But the garage was locked! How could this be? We opened the garage and found an old «Uazik» car. We shone a flashlight and were amazed — our missing cat was sitting in the car behind the wheel.

We could barely get him out of there. It turned out that the garage had been sloppily furnished with planks, and he had climbed onto the roof using them. The slate collapsed under his weight, and the cat ended up right behind the car’s steering wheel.

We laughed so hard, remembering this incident.