British Boniface

British Boniface. A kind and formidable cat

British Boniface. A kind and formidable catWhen our beloved cat passed away, our family mourned for a long time. Eventually, we started searching for a British breed kitten. We had grown to love these intelligent, good-natured cats. Finally, we brought home a fluffy little wonder. The owners who gave us the kitten named him «Boney.» When my granddaughter heard this strange name, she decided that he would be better off being called Boniface.

The furry kitten quickly grew into a huge cat weighing 10 kg. Despite his size, he runs around the garden quite lively, though he does knock over flowers and much else in his path. He seems like a typical cat, but he has one peculiar trait. He growls, almost like a dog.

Boniface vigilantly guards his territory and does not let any of his kin in. He spends his days watching the wide gap under the gate, where uninvited guests often appear. Not only does he start growling, but he also pounces on the lost visitor and drives them out of the yard. You might think he’s ferocious and menacing, but he’s not. Let me tell you more.

The neighbor’s cat had kittens. It’s unknown who the father was, but it definitely wasn’t Boniface. That’s because he underwent a well-known operation. When the kittens began exploring the surrounding world, they became very interested in the gap under our gates. And they easily infiltrated our yard.

They ran around the garden, climbing trees, trampling through flower beds, trying to climb into the water container, and even sneaking into the house. In short, there was no time to work, as I was keeping an eye on the mischievous ones. And what about Boniface? Not a peep. I asked him, «Why don’t you drive out the uninvited guests, where’s your menacing growl?» He guiltily looked away. He seemed to say, «Can you really mistreat these little ones?»

That’s our Boniface, both formidable and kind.