Foundling in the Rain

Foundling in the Rain. Stories from the life of cats       

Foundling in the Rain. Stories from the life of cats     It was late autumn, and I was returning home from a night duty. The rain was drizzling, and a piercing wind was hitting my face. I walked with my head down, wrapped in a light windbreaker, dreaming of getting home as quickly as possible to warmth. A sharp, drawn-out sound made me stop.

A wet, dirty-colored creature jumped out from under the car wheel and immediately darted back. I leaned down, looked under the car, and saw a little dirty kitten with green eyes.

Its loud, calling cry didn’t allow me to leave. It was clear the baby was scared and asking for help. Looking around, I hoped to see the mother cat, but she was nowhere to be found. Then, taking off my windbreaker and covering the little one with it, I embraced and hugged it to my chest. The hissing creature meowed plaintively.

I stood in the rain and wondered, what’s next? I couldn’t go home; I had a cat and a big dog there. After considering all my acquaintances, I settled on Tanya. She should be at home. I called her. Tanya’s sleepy voice didn’t bode well. But I decided to take the risk and persuade her.

Straight from the doorstep, Tanya snatched the kitten from me and carried it to the bathroom to wash. The water stream and tar soap did their job. «It’s even a cat,» Tanya grumbled, wiping the foundling with a soft cloth. And continued, «When my husband comes back from work, he’ll throw it out.»

The foundling couldn’t be called pretty. After bathing, it became even stranger. Black spots were scattered all over its coat. Even its face looked dirty. However, the foundling pleased Tanya’s husband. Hooray!

As a result, the foundling settled in with my acquaintances. Now it has grown up, and like most rescued animals, it is affectionate and grateful.