A riddle from a crow

A riddle from a crow. How the crow asserted its authority

A riddle from a crow. How the crow asserted its authorityOnce a crow gave me a riddle that I still can’t solve to this day. Here’s what happened. It was a sunny spring day, and I was sitting on a bench, enjoying the peace and warmth of the sun.

Suddenly, I heard a loud cawing above me. I was startled and looked up to see a black cat sitting on a birch tree branch, with a crow perched just a meter away from it. The crow’s eyes shone like beads, and it clearly assumed a threatening posture. The next «caw» sounded like a warning bell in a boxing ring, but the cat paid no attention to the bird. Its behavior indicated utter contempt for the crow.

When the enraged crow cawed for the third time, the cat was still sunbathing, showing no signs of concern. The furious bird then flew up and struck the cat’s back with great force.

The cat crouched and grumpily retorted, «Why fight when you can just scream, you noisy crow? You’re such a burden.» Meanwhile, the crow prepared for another attack. It gained height and dove at the cat’s back once again.

At this point, the cat decided to leave and reluctantly walked away. As soon as the tree became vacant, the crow flew away. I inspected the trunk of the tree, thinking I might find a nest there, but alas, I found nothing.

To this day, I still wonder: why did the crow need to chase the cat away when it had all the trees in the city and the entire sky at its disposal?