Our kitten’s name is Gav

Our kitten’s name is Gav. From the life of cats

Our kitten's name is Gav. From the life of catsAn adorable Bengal kitten joined our family. He is healthy and playful. We spent a long time thinking of a name for him, trying out various cat names until we remembered the cartoon «Kitten Named Woof.» That’s how we decided to name him Gav.

As time went by, Gav grew up to become a huge cat. We never go to sleep if Gav is not home, we walk around the yard together looking for him. Gav loves to hunt so much that he constantly sits in ambush and catches mice. He catches them and brings them home to show off his catch.

With the onset of warm weather, Gav started to go out all night to hunt for mice. In the morning, there is usually some kind of animal on the porch that our pet caught. One morning, Gav didn’t come home, and we became worried. My husband went out to search for him and stood by the fence yelling, «Gav, Gav, Gav!»

Passing by were railroad workers who heard my husband calling for the cat. Later, when they met me, they asked, «Did your husband lose his mind? Why is he barking instead of the dog in the yard, and the dog is silent?» I explained to them that he was calling the cat, and we named him Gav. The guys laughed heartily.

Our beloved Gav lives this way — big and striped. He sleeps during the day and goes out for a walk at night.

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