Hip-Hop and Tosha

Hip-Hop and Tosha. Sweet feline revenge

Hip-Hop and ToshaThis story happened in a team of geological surveyors. The main characters of this story are Tosha and Hip-Hop. Tosha is a cat, a favorite pet of the geologist guys. And Hip-Hop is a laborer, you may ask why such an unusual name? The thing is, I don’t remember his real name. It was a long time ago.

There was a laborer in the team, a smoker in his forties. When communicating with colleagues, he often repeated «Hip-Hop.» That’s how he got remembered. But that’s not the point.

One day Hip-Hop was sitting and smoking with pleasure. Tosha came up to him and lay down on his lap. Hip-Hop decided to play a prank. He took the cat in his hand, took a deep drag, and blew a cloud of tobacco smoke right into the cat’s face.

He did it several times in a row. Tosha squinted, but endured it. Finally, after finishing his cigarette, Hip-Hop released the cat and put the cigarette with the mouthpiece on a nearby stone. And then Tosha jumped up, grabbed the mouthpiece with his teeth, and quickly climbed up a high tree. A few minutes later, he came down just as quickly, but without the mouthpiece.

He sat down next to Hip-Hop and looked at him as if to say, «Well, who got it.» Amidst the general laughter, he left the laborer without his mouthpiece.

I don’t know what happened next. The next day we left, having completed our work.