Venus the Daddy Cat

Venus the Daddy Cat. Stories from the life of cats

Venus is a ginger cat and also happens to be a daddy cat.

Venus the Daddy CatI have a lot of love for him and I thought I knew everything about his habits and behavior. But they say that cats have a mind of their own for a reason.

The other day, I met my neighbor who is also a cat lover like me. We chatted about this and that, and suddenly she said to me, «You know, we decided not to file for child support.» I was shocked, what child support? It turns out that her cat had given birth to kittens, and all of them were ginger and looked very similar to our cat.

One night, she woke up to an unfamiliar noise. When she peeked into the next room, she saw this scene: Venus had approached the box where the kittens and their mother were sleeping, and gently touched the mother’s nose with his own. My neighbor froze in the doorway. There was so much tenderness in that moment.

The mother cat didn’t mind the kiss. She stretched, jumped out of the basket, and slowly made her way to the bowl of milk. Venus immediately took her place in the basket. He licked all the kittens, then hugged them with his paws, covered them with his tail, and purred a lullaby.

The kittens slept peacefully in the arms of their daddy, and the mother, after having some milk, went out through the window to take care of her business. My neighbor laughed and said that as soon as she saw the newborn kittens, she knew who the father was and wanted to file for child support. But after seeing how Venus fulfilled his paternal duty that night, she decided to cancel the request.