My clever cat Marcus

My clever cat Marcus

My clever cat MarcusI have a beautiful Turkish Angora cat named Marcus living with me. I used to think that only female cats could be affectionate and gentle, while male cats were always stern and aloof. But Marcus changed my worldview. I have never met a more affectionate and gentle cat. Although we have always had cats in our family, including my parents and my grandmother, I am a third-generation cat lover. Maybe even my great-grandmothers had cats, but I haven’t dug that far back. But I digress.

I want to tell you about my beloved cat Marcus

Marcus is very attached to me, but he also has a sense of tact and is not intrusive. If he sees that I am not in the mood, he will circle around me and walk away. And I can’t stay mad at him for long when I see him. I immediately pick him up and start squeezing and kissing him. Marcus tolerates my temperament swings.

And Marcus loves to play. And he skillfully involves me in his games, sometimes making me forget about everything else. With him, I revert to my childhood. I read that Turkish Angora cats are phlegmatic by nature, but clearly not my favorite.

It’s useless to close doors in our apartment. Marcus can open any door. I don’t know how he does it. There is a handle on our kitchen door that opens the door when pressed. And guess what, it took Marcus only three days to learn how to open it.

At first, I couldn’t figure out how he got into the kitchen. I thought I had forgotten to close the door. Until I saw him doing it: he runs, jumps, and presses the handle with his front paws in flight. And the door is open.

When I first saw this scene, I froze in place. And Marcus, sneaking into the kitchen, sat on the threshold and looked at me: «What are you staring at, as if it’s a big deal.» He just needs to learn to turn off the lights after me. Since I always forget to do that. I think he will master this skill quickly too.

And Marcus is not afraid of unfamiliar people at all. On the contrary, he loves to show off. As soon as guests come to us, all attention shifts to the cat. He walks slowly and gracefully back and forth. Sometimes I even get jealous of him. Because guests discuss not my outfit or treats, but the eyes and fur of my pet.

So this is how we live — me and Marcus.