Cat Behavior Psychology

Cat Behavior Psychology

Cat Behavior Psychology. How to tell if a cat is upset?

Cat Behavior PsychologyIt’s well-known that cats are independent creatures who like to do their own thing. The kind of relationship you have with your pet cat depends entirely on you. You can and should educate your cat, teach them basic hygiene and behavior rules.

However, it’s important to do this carefully and without being too pushy. Any violence towards an animal can lead to aggression and a lack of love from the cat.

If you cross the invisible line between gentle teaching and forceful training, your cat will end up doing the opposite of what you want. A once obedient and affectionate kitten can become a frightened and aggressive beast.

Cat behavior psychology:

  • Cats are curious, just like women. They constantly stick their noses into every corner, check bags and packages in case there’s something interesting inside. And if there is something fascinating, they won’t miss it.
  • Cats are natural hunters. Even if your cat has never set foot outside your home and you feed them well, their hunting instincts won’t disappear. Have you noticed how your cat watches birds outside the window, how she wants to catch her prey? It doesn’t matter that she just finished her lunch or begged for some of your dinner, it’s all about the instinct.
  • Cats are very active and playful. If you move any object in front of your cat’s nose, she’ll attack it. She’ll happily try to catch the object, grab it with her teeth, and jump towards it.
  • Cats are very neat. They take great care of their fur, licking their tails and paws frequently, even striking incredible poses while doing so. Even kittens who are still unsteady on their feet will frantically scratch the litter box, trying to cover up their business
  • Cats are unpredictable. Just a moment ago, your cat was happily greeting you at the door, rubbing against you and purring. But as soon as she receives her dose of affection or a tasty treat, she’ll immediately move to her favorite spot. She’ll act as if she’s indifferent to you and might not even acknowledge your call

Do you know that cats are less affectionate than dogs, but more independent? The familiar phrase «Freedom to the parrot» can be rephrased as «Freedom to the cat». The thing is that cats only come to humans when they want to.

Dogs, on the other hand, show with all their appearance how much they love their owner and how devoted they are to them. They are ready to eat even cat food (their worst enemies) or a cabbage leaf just to please their owner and receive praise.

A cat would never do such a silly thing, even if you promise her a tasty treat as a reward. She may enjoy the offered treat first, but then look at you with an unblinking stare, thinking «Are you a fool, owner? Me, eat a cabbage leaf? Let the rabbits enjoy it.» She quickly forgets promises.

A cat is an individual in this sense.

She values herself more than a dog does and is not easy to impose your point of view on, just like it is hard to push a bear through the eye of a needle.

And what do you think, is a cat smart?

But then why do you think a dog is smart? What experience led you to that conclusion? Just because dogs remember (learn by heart) commands and can execute them? If you repeat «sit» to a dog a hundred times, she will understand what is required on the hundred and first time.

And what about cats?

A cat understands what you want from her, but she only does what she thinks is necessary. She won’t even twitch an ear if something doesn’t interest her or contradicts her plans. She will pretend that she «doesn’t understand my- your language.»

«What a foolish dog,» thinks the cat, watching as the dog diligently runs along the log, encouraged by the owner’s praise. No self-respect, the cat concludes and sweetly yawns. She doesn’t care about praise! No one and nothing will make a cat run along a log if she doesn’t want to, except for Kuklachev. But the methods of his training are a separate story.

Cat Behavior Psychology. How to tell if a cat is upset?

Cat Behavior Psychology. How to tell if a cat is upset?Cats can display different signs when they are upset. Some of them may include the following:

Behavioral changes: If a cat is usually sociable and active but suddenly becomes avoidant and hiding, it may be a sign of their upset.

Loss of appetite: If a cat usually eats well but suddenly refuses food, it may be a sign of their upset.

Unpleasant smell: Cats may urinate in inappropriate places when they feel upset, which can lead to an unpleasant odor in the house.

Hoarse meowing: If a cat usually purrs and meows calmly but suddenly starts making a hoarse sound, it may be a sign of their dissatisfaction.

Love for independence: If a cat usually likes being around people but suddenly starts sitting alone, it may be a sign of their upset.

If you notice that your cat is displaying unusual behavior, it may need more attention and care. Try to find out what caused their upset and try to fix the situation so that your cat can feel happy and content again.

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