How to train a cat to use the litter box?

How to train a cat to use the litter box in a new location?

 How long does it take for a cat to get used to the litter box?  What words should be used to explain to the cat that they should not do it elsewhere? How to prevent a cat from going to the bathroom wherever they please? Is it okay to push a cat’s nose into their urine? How to train a cat to use the litter box?

How to train a cat to use the litter box?Even if you catch your pet in the act of going to the bathroom in an inappropriate place, punishing them is pointless. If you scare them during this critical moment, they are more likely to repeat the «misbehavior» again. Your pet may simply think that you are punishing them for going to the bathroom, and will start looking for hidden places to go in the future so that they are not caught.

Wait until they finish what they are doing, and then take them to the litter box and remind them what it is for. Don’t be too forceful, and remain patient and composed.

If your pet is stubborn or slow to learn, you may have to repeat this procedure several times. «Repetition is the mother of learning!»

Some cats (and male cats) will learn how to use the litter box after just one or two tries, while others may require more time and effort. It’s important to remain patient and calm.

The smell of urine and feces is a natural signal.

Therefore, it’s necessary to clean and remove any traces of odor. When cleaning, remember that cats have a much more acute sense of smell than humans do.

The only place where there may be a smell of urine and feces is the area designated for your pet’s toilet.

Any disinfectant can be used to clean the «dirty» area. You can use a cleaning agent that you use in the kitchen or bathroom. Or you can purchase a spray to absorb odors at a veterinary pharmacy or specialized store.

As a last resort, you can treat the area with alcohol or vodka. But don’t get carried away with scents that could harm your four-legged companion.

Stories from the life of cats

How Maximus used to go to the bathroom with the sound of a bell

How to train a cat to use the litter box in a new location?Family is not only adults and children. In our house, it’s also a flower, a wobbly chair that the child took their first steps from, and a cat named Maximus.

Maximus came into our house as a kitten. Knowing the importance of training a cat to use a litter box, we began his training. We set up the litter box, filled it with sand, and placed the newcomer inside. Maximus sniffed the sand, jumped out, and walked away, shaking his paws one at a time.

We realized that our pet clearly did not accept the litter box. While we were thinking about what to do, the kitten found a spot on the doll bed and fell asleep. We went about our business, trying not to make noise so as not to wake the newcomer.

Our daughter was eager to see the kitten sleeping.

She went to check on him but soon returned with tears in her eyes saying, «Maximus disappeared, but I can find him.» What did she mean by disappeared? We all went on a search for the missing cat.

It turns out that Maximus went to the bathroom. And we offered him a litter box. «We should always keep the bathroom door open,» said mom. No matter how hard we tried to open the bathroom door in a timely manner, we forgot about the cat’s needs one evening.

Hearing a strange rustling noise, we left the room. Maximus had somehow reached the bathroom door handle, hugged it with his front paws, and didn’t know what to do next. Hearing our footsteps, he looked at us and said plaintively, «Meow!»

After a few similar incidents, our daughter made a suggestion: to hear the cat’s fuss near the bathroom, she hung a bell on the door handle. Maximus understood this immediately. Now he didn’t jump on the handle but touched the bell with his paw and waited for us to hear him. We didn’t even have to teach him how to use the toilet. He learned it himself.

Training a kitten to use a scratching post