PERSIAN CHINCHILLA CAT BREEDPersian Chinchilla is one of the most beautiful cat breeds. It has an unusual coat color, bright green (or blue) eyes, outlined by a dark rim, with a charming red nose and lips outlined by a black edging. The looks that will make any fashionista overflow with envy.

Thanks to its outstanding appearance Persian Chinchillas are magnets for feline exhibition awards.


Persian Chinchilla are affectionate, intelligent and calm little cats. They love playing games (chasing a bow on a string seems to be their favorite), and enjoy spending time with their owners as well as anyone who is willing to give it undivided attention. They are sociable creatures, love guests and are always ready to show off. But Persian Chinchilla will never betray its owner, and graciously pays him with affection for his care.

Persian Chinchilla brings atmosphere of peace and tranquility to the house.

But despite their calm nature Persian Chinchilla cats are very playful. Anything that happens to be on their path becomes a toy. They love order and minimalism, which is why they will «discard» anything that doesn’t seem to belong on the shelves. But they won’t scratch your furniture.

Persian Chinchillas, unlike other cats, prefer to sleep at night and will not wake you up in an ungodly hour.

Holding Persian Chinchilla in your arms is a pleasure, and they really love spending time on your knees. But they are capable of recognizing your mood, and won’t bother you if you seem to be not interested in their company or simply busy.

If Persian Chinchilla doesn’t like something or is offended by something — it won’t scratch and bite, but will quietly retire to its hideout. And despite aforementioned shelf inspections Persian Chinchilla cats are known for obeying the rules. They will not jump on the kitchen table, won’t spend hours making a mess inside a closet.


Most of the care that Persian Chinchilla requires is one way or the other related to its fur. As any other longhair cat they must be combed every day and bathed regularly (from once a month to once every three month, depending on the living conditions). Those procedures should prevent your cat’s fur from tangling.


Caution: Persian Chinchilla cats are often allergic to certain types of cat food (especially of a cheap variety). Pick your cat’s food carefully, and should you notice any ill effects — contact a veterinarian for a check up and a nutrition advice.

Another small issue with Persian Chinchilla cats — their skull structure. Which entails eye diseases and diseases of upper respiratory tract. The main problem is excessive lachrymation which can be combated by wiping your cat’s eyes with a weak solution of boric acid (contact a veterinarian for details).

Persian Chinchilla Cat Breed