What a strange name — Dwelf? Turns out, that the name comes from two words:  a dwarf, and an elf. And while majority of people fail to see the resemblance of these cats  to the inhabitants of the fairy tales, it is very suitable for these cats — miniature charming creatures with curled ears and short legs.

     DWELF CAT BREED     Dwelf — is a young experimental breed of cats, that was developed in 2009. Obtained by crossing the Sphynx, Munchkin and American Curl. Dwelf cats have embodied the traits of all their ancestors. And while the process of crossing different breeds often leads to a creation of a pet that will suffer from a genetic diseases, currently there is no evidence of any detrimental effects on the health of the Dwelf cats.


Dwelf cats are peace-loving, never show any signs of aggression. Very affectionate and obedient. Easily trained. They love attention and comfort. They don’t lead an active life, but if offered a game, they will happily chase an imaginary prey. Sociable and friendly with children and other pets.

Very independent and motivated. If Dwelf cat decided to reach a high shelf, but it is too high for his jump, he won’t start meowing and calling for help — instead, he will quietly and stubbornly climb up, no matter the cost.

By their nature, Dwelf cats are monogamous — will choose their «master» at their own will, and will be constantly at his feet. Even if Dwelf cats live in a big family, they will greatly miss their owner and feel lonely, when he is not at home.

Dwelf cats are very touchy. If you offend them, they will not hold the grudge like Siamese cats, and will not retaliate like Burmese, they will simply hide in a nook, as far away from you as possible, and won’t leave their hiding place for a very long time. So, please, do not hurt them, no matter what the circumstances are!


Daily care: Clean the nose with a thin cotton swab. Wash the eyes and ears.

Bathe them every 10 days. It is advised to use baby shampoos when bathing. Dwelf cats are heat-loving, it is important to protect them from extreme temperature drops.


Dwelf cats have an excellent health, seemingly free from genetic disorders. (But keep in mind that it is a young breed.)