Himalayan cat — a special, mysterious and very impressive cat. With lush, airy like a cloud hair, which perfectly combines with dark spots on the protruding parts of the body.

HIMALAYAN CAT BREEDHimalayan cat has a miniature, low-set ears. Lovely «child-like» muzzle will put a smile on everyone’s faces, without exception. Completes the image — a pair of huge round blue eyes, making the cat look simply astounding.

The gene, which determines the specific color of the Himalayan cat has a scientific name — «Himalayan». The name of the breed of the rabbits, which is characterized by a dark coat color of the protruding parts of the body (ears, paws, muzzle, tail) — and light color of the rest areas.

Himalayan cat is a creation of a man, and it is simply flawless!

In the early 1960s, the Himalayan cat breed was recognized as an independent, separate from the Persian breed. This recognition was received by all the leading feline clubs of the America. Gradually, the popularity of the new breed gained momentum, it grew and is now considered one of the most valued among the cat lovers.


It is hard to describe the character of Himalayan cat in a few words, it is simply must be experienced. A time of fellowship with them will bring you delight and joy. Those who are lucky enough to be the owners of these remarkable animals constantly find something unusual in their behavior. Every day is filled with happy discoveries.

There is some mysterious magic in their nature, which charms and attracts you to the Himalayan cat more and more.

Besides their magnificent appearance, these cats have a refined aristocratic manners. They have extraordinary endurance and self-esteem. What else distinguishes these cats from their counterparts is the ability to present themselves, to show their beauty to everyone.

They have a balanced, calm, gentle nature. This is truly a domestic animal, they prefer to live in the house.

Very attached to their master, can follow him anywhere. They love to participate in everything the master does, and help him in anyway they can. And as soon as they see that the master decided to take a break and rest — will immediately climb on his lap.

Loyal to the children.


Unfortunately, they inherited problems with breathing and watery eyes (due to structural features of the salivary glands and short muzzles) from the Persian breed. Himalayan cats might also suffer from an inherited (genetic) polycystic kidney disease.


These cats require daily care of themselves, it is advisable to wipe their eyes and remove dried discharge. Their long hair requires daily combing. (Use small combs to remove dead hair, and large combs to align the hair and make it flow.)

Breeders recommended to bathe Himalayan cats often,  to wash away excess fat grease, which is released by the glands. You shouldn’t have any problems with bathing, Himalayan cats are fond of water procedures.

IMPORTANT: Himalayan cats are terribly afraid of enclosed spaces. Do not leave them in small rooms. Do not use a carrying bag for transportation