MAINE COON CAT BREED Maine Coon — the national symbol of America. Semi-long haired cat, the biggest among the brethren, elegant, affectionate, kind and proud.

            According to one legend, the blood of raccoon flows through the veins of Maine Coon, and they often called «raccoon cats». There is another story, more romantic one. Hoping to find salvation from the French Revolution on the distant American soil, Marie — Antoinette gave everything of value that she had left, including her six Angora cats, to a certain captain, for whom she had very tender feelings. He brought hers treasures back to his home town of Wiscasset (Maine), where Marie — Antoinette’s cats, breeding with local toms, founded a new dynasty — the breed of Maine Coon.

            There is another legend, which tells the story of a Captain Coon, who roamed the seas with a pair of cats — Persian and Angora. And kittens appeared everywhere, where captain’s ship could drop anchor. Those kittens, more or less, were Maine Coons.

Excellent hunters, Maine Coons provided invaluable assistance to farmers, clearing New England from rodents, birds and small predators. Registered as a breed in 1860, by 1865 Maine Coons were named as «The best cat» at agricultural exhibition in the northeastern United States.

Maine Coon — the biggest domestic cat:

an average weight of 5 — 6 kg

(11 -13,2 lbs) (female) and 7 — 9 kg (15,4 — 19,8 lbs) (male).

Largest known Maine Coon weights 18 kg (40 lbs)!

Maine Coon Appearance:

Long-haired cats, characterized by its size and flowing hair.

They have a medium sized head, angular muzzle with high cheekbones, full cheeks and a strong chin. The ears are large, high and pointy, wide at the base.

The eyes are large, set wide apart, slightly obliquely placed. Eye color: all shades of green, gold or copper, not necessarily in harmony with coat color. Maine Coons with white coats sometimes have blue eyes.

The body is strong and muscular, elongated and angular. Limbs are proportional. Large round paws, with tufts of hair between the toes (which often stick out at the back of the paws, making them look like snowshoes).

The tail is long, broad at the base, tapering towards the end, covered with long hair. Hair is especially thick and long on the abdomen and back of the body. Maine Coons can have coat of any color.

Maine Coon Character:

Those are very gentle, affectionate, love-inspiring cats. They are agile and skilled hunters. Maine Coons are very independent, but despite this, they are very attached to their owners, they are very loyal. Maine Coon will follow the owner everywhere, but will not impose their company or be a nuisance.

Maine Coons show a remarkable delicacy and tact to the host, and also do not show aggression towards strangers. They always polite and considerate and will never exchange their master for anyone else.


MAINE COON CAT BREED — Top 5: Healthiest Cat Breeds

TOP CAT: MOST BEAUTIFUL cat breed that ends up on pretty much every «top cat» rating chart.