Some people buy kittens from the  breeders, but some people pick them up on the street. And if in the first case, the breeder will tell you the age of the youngster, it is hard to determine the age of the kitten in the latter case.

DETERMINING THE AGE OF THE KITTENYou can bring a kitten to the vet, and they can use their expertise to tell  kitten’s exact age, but if this option doesn’t suit you, you can try to independently determine the age of the kitten.

The main aspects that will help you determine the age of the kitten:

  • Weight and size.
  • Behavior.
  • Teeth.
  • Eye color.

Determining the age of a kitten by it’s size:

Three weeks of age — body is disproportionate. The head is very large in relation to the body, very short legs, ears look very small in relation to the head.

One month —  the body is elongated (almost proportional), but the head is still much larger than the body, and the ears are still small in relation to the head.

One and a half months — the body is proportionate. Any kitten of any breed is born with blue eyes, but upon reaching one and a half months of age the eye color changes (to the usual color associated with the breed).

Two months — the body becomes longer in proportion to the legs.

Three to four months — a period characterized by elongation of ears.

Six months — body proportions are almost ideal. The kitten develops a proper and confident gait.

Determining the age of a kitten by it’s behavior:

Two weeks — kitten can get on its feet on its own, and move around a little bit, but the movements are not coordinated (the kitten constantly wobbles and falls on the side). In attempts to stay on their feet, kittens of this age walk with their claws out.

Four weeks — the kitten becomes confident in his movements. In case of accidental fall from a height, the kitten can wriggle out in the air and land on its feet. Begins to hiss at the sight of strangers.

Five to six weeks — kitten stands firmly on its legs, but is unable to estimate the distance to the objects in its path. Kittens are often collide with the objects, or miss the mark when jumping. Become more playful, though the games are not complicated and not meaningful.

Seven to eight weeks — kitten develops a proper and confident gait. The games become more thoughtful and intelligent, the kitten learns how to hide and stalk it’s imaginary prey.

One year old kitten’s behavior is almost indifferent of that of an adult cat.

There are certain behavior changes during puberty, which is usually happens when kitten is seven to nine month of age. But it is an unreliable way of determining age, since some kittens go through puberty much earlier.

Determining the age of a kitten by it’s teeth:

  • Three weeks — kittens develop frontal incisors (their first teeth).
  • Five to six week — lateral teeth appear.
  • Seven to eight weeks — the teeth behind frontal incisors appear.
  • Six months — kittens develop molars.

Determining the age of a kitten by it’s weight:

  • First week — average weight of a kitten is 100 — 150 g.
  • Second week — average weight is about 200 g.
  • Third week — average weight is 270 — 280 g.
  • Fourth week — average weight is 370 g.
  • Fifth week — average weight of a kitten is 450 — 500 g.

Determining the age of a kitten by it’s height:

  • First month — average height of a kitten is 14 cm (5.5 in).
  • Second month — average height is 17 cm (6.7 in).
  • Third month — average height is 20 cm (7.8 in).
  • Fourth month — average height is 22 cm (8.6 in).
  • Fifth month — average height of a kitten is 24 cm (9.5 in).

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