Bengal cat is a homey creature, but with a strict and prideful muzzle, inherent only to predators. Rightfully called «domesticated Leopard», not many can handle it’s gaze, projected from within the cold eyes.

CAT BREED - BENGALBengal cat — one of the youngest breeds discovered in America. Cats are quite weighty, mature male can reach a weight of 10-12 kg (22-27 lbs). Despite their weight (which comes from tough bones and «muscles of steel»), they look slim and fit, but have an excellent appetite and can be prone to uncontrollable weight gains.

Some say, that these cats are evil and unmanageable, but it’s only a rumor. And even those rumors are about first generation of Bengals, those with Leopard blood in their veins, and it is unlikely that you can find a breeder who will sell you one of those.

The most valuable thing, that Bengal cats have — coloration. Gold spotted, like leopards, or silver spotted, similar to snow leopards. But their marvelous markings disappear during molting, but it only lasts two or three weeks. During that period, Bengal cats are indistinguishable from a common street cats.


These cats are independent and do not tolerate familiarity. Сat won’t let you tie a bow around its neck, and very often will refuse to sit on your lap and will dodge any of your attempts to pick it up. But picking up a Bengal cat, even without it’s resistance, is not an easy task due to it’s weight.

These cats are very talkative, their *purr* is deafening. Not to mention how wildly they sound during the spring (if not neutered).

Bengal cats are patient with children, they wont let themselves be hugged, or to be played with, like a doll, but they won’t scratch and bite either. They understand that a child is a defenseless creatures, and will act with care. But they will not tolerate any birds, fish, guinea pigs in the house. The «lesser» pets will most likely be strangled by Bengal. They might even, from time to time, bring you a neighbor’s chicken, as spoils.

Despite these characteristics, Bengal cats are quite gentle creatures, they pick two or three favorite people, on whom they pour out their tenderness. They are loyal like dogs and can become a great companion to their master.


Caring for Bengal cat is very simple, their marvelous coat doesn’t need to be brushed. It is not necessary to wash them either, they are maniacally neat, will vigorously clean themselves, even if you just touch them with a finger. By the way, Bengal cats love swimming.


In general, Bengal cats are relatively healthy. But despite all the efforts from the breeders, these cats still suffer from a few genetic diseases. The most common — heart disease.